Your gym needs an app

Connect your tech

Your website is built for sales and lead-gen. But what about after someone joins your gym? How do you share with them critical info and keep them up-to-date on the latest updates and events? Writing it on the whiteboard is NOT the right way. Our done-for-you app gives you a direct line to your members right on their phone.

More than just links is more than just a way to share links, it's an app for your business. From text to images to contact buttons (and yes even links), your app makes it easy to share the latest and greatest with your audience.

At the center of it all

Websites, workouts, WiFi passwords, door codes, billing email your members know where to go for this vital info? The app unifies everything into a single, simple app to bring everything together for your business.

One QR Code to rule them all

You have links to many different apps, websites, emails and more. But how do you make sure they're not missed in the email or scrolled over in the post? No matter if you text, email or post to your members, use your one single QR Code to unite your technology kingdom.

Updates in a blink

Updating your website takes time and can be cumbersome. Updating your app is as simple as filling out a one-page form. Our techies handle the updates for you. No charge.

Smart Buttons

How do you link to an app download page?
We've created templates for dozens of popular apps and websites that gyms use to manage their classes and schedules. Our smart buttons link directly to the app pages in the Apple App Store and our easy instructions show them how to access the app for your business.


Alex D, SlothFit
We needed a way to centralize how we provide info to our members. Our app replaces email, social and writing it on the whiteboard. We send everyone to the QR Code and the app does the rest.
Michael A, CrossFit Novato
We use our whiteboard a lot to let people know about upcoming events and changes. And it works fine when people are in class. But our app makes it easy for folks to follow links and actually sign-up for things. Big fan.
Hudson W, New Age Nutrition
We work with people all over the country so we needed a way to provide easy links and updates without a whieboard. Our app does exactly what we needed.

Your app is as unique as your business

Tailor made
Your app is tailored to your specific brand colors
Unique to you
You have a unique app with no 3rd party branding
One tap away
Once added to their homescreen, your brand is one tap away
Built on tech
We use smart forms to make updates quick and easy
Backed by humans
Your app is backed by our helpful team of humans

Drop us a line

We're former gym owners, techies and customer service fanatics. We speak your language.